Visiting Museums With Kids

Here are a few helpful tips from Virtuoso advisors on how to maximize museum visits with your children (or grandchildren):
• Before you start, hit the museum gift shop to buy postcards of artwork. The kids can be on the lookout for those pieces as you tour.
• Stop at the information desk first. The staff can tell you which exhibits are best for your children’s age groups.
• Structure a museum visit by spending time inside right when it opens, then find the outdoor gardens or a nearby park for playtime.
• If New York City is on your travel list, register far in advance for the kids’ programming at MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). They offer a range of workshops (digital photography, etc.) for free. Dino-might at The Field Museum.
• Plan for variety. It helps children explore many interests, such as art, science and history. Go beyond children’s museums, but be mindful of age and appropriateness.
• When kids reach school age, consider lining up a family friendly guide, especially at larger museums.
• Bring snacks - something that’s really a treat for the kid.