Oh the Places You'll Go...in 2019
It's fun for us to look ahead to all the unique, exciting trips we have in store for our clients this year. We have travelers heading to...

French Polynesia
If you live in a cold weather area, sunshine and beaches couldn’t sound better right now. One destination continuing to grow in...

Adventures in Alaska
Alaska is quite literally America’s last frontier, with landscapes that stretch seemingly to infinity. The 49th state of the United...

The Allure of Greece
Greece. It’s one of those European destinations that is either on people’s “must visit” list, or their “must return” list. I recently...

Fan Favorites: 2018 Client Highlights
We're thankful for all the wonderful clients of Pique and the amazing experiences they've had this year! We want to share a few of their...

Wandering in Wonderous Wales
When you think of countries to visit in Europe, Wales may not be one that comes to mind. However, it recently became one of my favorites...

Sustainability in Central America
Properties throughout the world are seeking ways to enhance their sustainability efforts. Whether that be through minimizing their...

When Travel is Life Changing
Going to Africa had been on our bucket list for years. It was always our hope to take our two sons (now adults) with us and enjoy the...

Inspired by Iceland
If there was ever a country on Earth that should be awarded for feeling like you’re on a different planet, Iceland should win it hands...

Vietnam Spotlight
For many Americans, Vietnam drums up a mix of emotions and curiosity. The country is a unique blend of bustling cities, expansive...