Where Can You Travel?
The choices for travel are growing each day and many destinations are looking forward to welcoming you. Here are a few ideas on places...

Where the (Pique) Pros Want to Go
Now more than ever our team is itching to get out and travel. Here’s a little more about where some of our “pros” want to go as soon as...

A Long-Awaited Trip to Scotland
For years I have longed to visit Scotland. Ironically I know a lot about this amazing country thanks to amazing travel partners and my...

Celebrating the United Kingdom and Ireland
Many Americans proudly wave their heritage flags from the United Kingdom and Ireland. It’s no wonder...not only are the cultures...

Germany Spotlight: Oberammergau Passion Play
I recently had the opportunity to have lunch with the German National Tourism Board as a part of a national press conference tour they...

Allure of the Alps: Switzerland
When a planned trip to Africa gets cancelled for work reasons, you know the back-up, “round two” option better be pretty good. And that’s...

Oh the Places You'll Go...in 2019
It's fun for us to look ahead to all the unique, exciting trips we have in store for our clients this year. We have travelers heading to...

The Allure of Greece
Greece. It’s one of those European destinations that is either on people’s “must visit” list, or their “must return” list. I recently...

Wandering in Wonderous Wales
When you think of countries to visit in Europe, Wales may not be one that comes to mind. However, it recently became one of my favorites...

Inspired by Iceland
If there was ever a country on Earth that should be awarded for feeling like you’re on a different planet, Iceland should win it hands...